Joker 2, the next cinematic installment in the Joker series, takes an unexpected turn as it leans towards becoming a jukebox musical. This surprising revelation came from insiders privy to the film’s early versions and filming process.
The Unexpected Musical Twist
According to insiders, the upcoming Joker film, titled ‘Joker: Folie à Deux’, is shaping up to be ‘mostly a jukebox musical’. Incorporating at least 15 reinterpretations of popular songs, the film promises an unorthodox take on the Joker narrative.
The Joker and The Musical
The Joker, a character that gained significant popularity, especially among the far-right audience, will be seen singing and dancing in the new film. This shift in tone and genre for the character has left many fans and critics curious and bewildered.
The Cast: Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga
The film stars Joaquin Phoenix reprising his role as the Joker, with Lady Gaga joining the cast. While Gaga’s singing prowess is unquestionable, this unusual approach to the Joker franchise leaves many wondering about the final product.
Public Reactions
The announcement of Joker 2 as a jukebox musical has sparked a flurry of online discussions. Many are questioning the choice of songs and the overall idea of transforming